In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best proofreading tools and software that are highly recommended for the professional bloggers and writers for error-free writing.

proofreading app

The most important thing for a blogger and writer is to convey your idea through the content to the readers. Only a well-written content gets higher engagement. And the first step in this regards is the focus on the convey of the idea to the readers. That’s why it is essential to proofread the content to eliminate any kind of error, over-complicated sentence constructions and most important plagiarism. It is also crucial to use the words that are more familiar with your crowd. To help you with this, there are several proofreading tools, and software’s are available.

My team and I have selected some of the best proofreading apps that we think can help you with your error-free writing needs.

The process that we have followed to select these tools:

We have considered and compared the following things before selecting them to list on this list.


Most of the tools listed here have some of the standard essential features and some unique tools which may help you to write better content. For example, Grammarly has an Assitant feature which shows the parameters like Correctness, Clarity, Engagement and Delivery.

Cross-device availability

It is essential that the apps need to available in multiple devices, so that you can use it wherever you need, like on the web or mobile.


Tools need to have secure integration options so that you can connect it with your text editor like MS Word.


The popularity of a tool not just show its market acceptance but also defines its future stability and upcoming updates.


Grammarly is a great writing tool helps to compose clear, mistake-free writing that makes the right impression. It also checks the tone fo your message before you hit send. From Grammar and spelling to style and tone, Grammarly helps you eliminate errors and find the perfect words to express yourself.


ProWritingAid is one of the only platforms that offer excellent grammar and style checking, combined with more in-depth reports to help you strengthen your writing. ProWritingAid also has some excellent features like it searches out elements like repetitiveness, vague wording, sentence length variation, over-dependence on adverbs, passive voice, over-complicated sentence constructions.


Linguix is an AI-based writing assistant which gives context-appropriate recommendations for any text – education, business, personal. Linguix goes much further than just a standard grammar check and gives you suggestions on how to make your content read and look better.


Ginger makes sure everything you write is mistake-free on Gmail, Social media, MS-office and everywhere you write. It corrects all types of grammatical mistakes, including punctuation, sentence structure and style. Ginger goes beyond the basic features and gives advance features like quick access to translation, definition, contextual synonyms and sentence re-phraser.

Slick Write

Slick Write is a powerful, free application that makes it easy to check your writing for grammar errors, potential stylistic mistakes, and other features of interest. Whether you’re a blogger, novelist, SEO professional, or student writing an essay for school.

A few other options

There are a few other options that didn’t quite make this article but are still worth mentioning. Here they are:

Although Hemingway App is a text editor, it has a great inbuilt proofreading feature which makes your writing bold and clear. The app highlights lengthy, complex sentences and common errors.

After the deadline (previously known as “polish my writing”) is a web proofreading app by Automattic. It is an excellent tool if you require a proofreading app just for your WordPress blog writing needs, although it is also available for bbPress, BuddyPress, Confluence, OpenOffice etc. It has features like contextual spell checking, advanced style checking and grammar checking. It uses AI and natural language processing to find your writing errors and offer smart suggestions.